Saturday 22 August 2020

computer networking.






when we communicate , we are  sharing  information . The sharing can be local or remote . between individuals, local communication usally oocurs face to face, while remote communication takes place over distance.

components :- 

A data  communication system has five components.

What is: Basic Hardware Components (Devices) of Computer Network

1. message :-

The message is the information (data) to be communicated . popular forms of information include text , number , pictures , audio and video. 

2. Sender :-  

Its a device which sends the data message. It can be a computer ,workstation , telephone handset , video camera and so on.

3. Receiver :-

Its a device that receives the message .

4. Transmission medium :- 

The transmission medium is the physical path by which a message travels fro sender to  receiver . Some examples of transmission media include twisted pair wire , coaxial cable , fibre-optic cable an d radio waves.

5. Protocol:- 

A protcol is a set of rules that govern data communications. It represents an agreement between  the comunicating devices . Without a protocol , two devices may be connected but not communicating just as a person speaking french cannot be understood by a person who speaks only japanese.

 Data representation :-

    Information can be in the form of text , numbers , images, audio, and video.

  1. Text:- 

 Text symbols are represented with a sequence of bits 0 and 1. Each sequence is called a code and the process is called coding.Two coding standards are 

  • Unicode
  • Unicode:- 

unicode is an international coding standard where each letter , digit or symbol is represented with the unique sequence of 32 0s and 1s . so this code can define 232 characters . It can be used in different languages.

Notation :  U-XXXXXXXX

Where X= hexadecimal number and ranges from 0 to F.

  • ASCII  :-

American standard code for information interchange is a coding standard where each letter, number or symobls represented with  unique sequence of 7 0s and 1s . so  this code can define 27 (128)  character . It is    used for english language only .

ASCII ( Basic Latin ) is subset of unicode and occupies first 7 bits of unicode for 128 code and is represented in hexadecimal form as :


     2 . Number :-

Number are also represented with a sequence of 0 and 1. ASCII is not used for number representation . Instead , the   following numbering system is used in order to simplify  the mathematical operations :

  • Base 10 (decimal)
  • Base 2 (binary )
  • Base 8( octal)
  • Base 16 ( hexadecimal)
  • Base 256 (IP address)

 Note :-    Number = 789456  

Symbol  =    7   8  9  4  5  6 

Position  = 5  4  3  2  1  0

  • Base 10  ( decimal) :-

The base 10 or decimal number system use 10 symbols : 0,1,2 ,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Weight  = 10 position 

  • Base 2 ( binary) :-

The base 2 or binary number system uses two symbols : 0,1 

Weight  = 2position 

  • Base 8 ( octal) :-

The base 8 0r octal number system uses 8 symbols : 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Weight  = 8position

  • Base 16  ( hexadecimal) :- 

The base 16 or hexadecimal  number system uses 16 symbols :0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 A  B  C  D  E  F

Weight   =  16position 

  • Base 256 ( IP address) :-

The base 256 number system uses 256 decimal number raging from 0 to 255. It is used to represent ipv4 address where each symbol is separates the position.

For Example ,

IPv4 address :

Symbol :   192   168   1    1

position :  3   2    1   0  

weight : 2563  2562  2561  2560

    3.  Images :-

An image is also represented with a sequence of 0 and 1 . A digital image is made up of small units called pixels .Each pixels is assigned a bit pattern whose size depend on the nature of the image.

   4 .  Audio :- 

A  sound which lies within the human frequency range of 20 to 20000 hertz is called  audio . the sound is recorded with microphone  and then digitized  to represent in the form of bit patterns  . Its transmitted form is called an audio signal.

 computer networking :-

A computer network is a system in which multiple computers are connected to each other to share information and resources.


A network is a set of device connected by communication links. A node can be a computer , printer, or any other device capable of sending and/or  receiving data generated by other nodes on the network .

Computer Networking - Witsmind Co.Ltd 


Characteristics of a Computer Network:-

  • Share resources from one computer to another.

  • Create files and store them in one computer, access those files from the other computer(s) connected over the network.

  • Connect a printer, scanner, or a fax machine to one computer within the network and let other computers of the network use the machines available over the network.

Following is the list of hardware's required to set up a computer network.

  • Network Cables
  • Distributors
  • Routers
  • Internal Network Cards
  • External Network Cards

Saturday 11 July 2020

new syllabus of class 11& 12 CBSE of physics,chemistry, maths.

New syllabus of class 12 CBSE 2020-21 (Removed topic) :-

Physics :-

chapter 1:- electrostatic charges and fields

Removed :-  uniformly charge thin spherical shell.

chapter 2 :-  electrostatic potential and capacitance

Removed :- nothing

chapter 3:- current electricity

Removed   :- series and parallel  combination of resistors . carbon resistor and colour code for carbon resistors.

chapter 4;- moving charges and magnetism

Removed  :- cyclotron

chapter  5:- magnetism and matter 

 Removed :- magnetic field  intensity due to a magnetic dipole bar magnet along its axis and perpendicullar  to its axis,torque on a magnmetic dipole bar magnet in a uniform magnetic field.

par ,dia and ferro magnetic substances ,with examples electromagnetics and factors affecting  their strengths , paramagnet magnet .

 chapter 6:- removed

chapter 7:- alternating curent

 Removed :- wattless  current.

chapter  8:- electromagnetic waves

Removed  :-Displacement current .

chapter  9: - Ray optics and optical instrument

 Removed :- reflection of light ,spherical minors mirror formula scattering of light .

 chapter 10:- wave optics

Removed  :- resolving power of microscope  and astonomical telescope,polaristaion,plane polarised,brewster`s law,users of plane polarised light and polaroids

chapter 11:- dual nature of radiation and matter

Removed :-davission and germer experiment

chapter  12:- Removed

chapter 13:-Nuclei

Removed  :- radioactivity ,alpha, beta ,gamma particles rays and their properties  radio active decay , half life and mean life 

binding energy per nucleon and its variation with its mass number .

chapter 14:- Semi condutors electronics

Removed :-zener diode  and their characteristics , zenerdiode as a voltage  regulator----------------------


chapter 1:- solid state

Removed :- electrical and magnetic properties band theory of metals conductors ,semiconductors and n and p type  semi conductors

 chapter 2:- solutions

 Removed :- abonrmal molecular mass ,van`t hoff factor

chapter  3:-  electrochemistry 

Removed :- lead  accumlator , fuel cells ,corrosion , law of electrolysis dry cell electrolytic  cell and galvaniccells.

chapter 4:- chemical kinetics

Removed  :- concept of collosion  theory (elementry idea no mathematical treatment ) activation energy , arhenius equation.

chapter 5:-  surface chemistry

Removed :-   emulsion - types of emulsions , catalysis homogenous and heterogeneous activity and selectivity of solid catalysts enzyme catalysis

 chapter 6:- generel principles and processes of isolation  of elelments

Removed  :- entire 

chapter 7  :- p block block element

 Removed :-preparation and properties of phosphine ,sulphuric acid  industrial process of manufacture oxides of nitrogen  phosphours allotropic forms,compounds of phosphours preparation  and properties of halides and oxo acid  acids

chapter 8:- d blockand fblock element

Removed :-chemical  reactivity of lanthanoids actinoids enlectronic confuguration oxidation state and  comparision with lanthanoids  perparation  and  propertiesof  KMNO4 and K2Cr2O7

chapter 9:-  coordination compound

Removed :- struture and stereoisomersm importance of coordinate compond

 chapter 10:-haloalkanes and haloarenes

Removed  :- uses of enviormental effects of  dichloromethane trichloromethane tetrachloromethane idoforms freons DDT.

chapter 11:- alcohols, phenols and ethers

Removed  :- uses with special reference to methanol andethanol

chapter 12:- aldehydes,ketones and carboxlyic acid

Removed  :- ---

chapter 13:-  amines

Removed  :-  diazonium salt spreparation chemical reaction and importance  in synthetic organic chemistry

chapter 14 :- biomolecules

 Removed :-oligosaccharides importance of carbo hydrate vitamin classifiication and functions enzymes hormones elementray idea excluding structure.

chapter 15, 16 :- polymer and chemistry in every day life

 Removed :- entire


Unit 1: Relations and Functions

Chapter 1:- Relations and Functions

- Composite functions, inverse of a function.

Chapter 2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions

- Graphs of inverse trigonometric  functions

- Elementary properties of inverse trigonometric functions

Unit 2: Algebra

Chapter 1 :- Matrices

-  Existence of non-zero matrices whose product is the zero matrix.

-  Concept of elementary row and column operations.

-  Proof of the uniqueness of inverse, if it exists.

Chapter 2:- Determinants

- Properties of determinants

- Consistency, inconsistency and number of  solutions of system of linear equations by examples

Unit 3: Calculus

Chapter 1 :- Continuity and Differentiability

- Rolle’s and Lagrange's Mean Value Theorems (without proof) and their geometric interpretation.

Chapter 2:-  Applications of Derivatives

- Rate of change of bodies, use of derivatives in approximation

Chapter 3. :- Integrals

- Definite integrals as a limit of a sum

Chapter 4. :-  Applications of the Integrals

- Area between any of the two above said curves

Chapter 5 :- Differential Equations

- Formation of differential equation whose general solution is given.

- Solutions of linear differential equation of the type:

dx/dy + px = q, where p and q are function of y or constant.

Unit-IV: Vectors and Three- Dimensional Geometry

Chapter 1 :- Vectors

scalar triple product of vectors.

Chapter 2 :- Three - dimensional Geometry

Angle between (i) two lines, (ii) two planes, (iii) a line and a plane

Unit-V: Linear Programming

Chapter 1 :-  Linear Programming

- mathematical formulation of L.P. problems

- (unbounded)

Unit-VI: Probability

Chapter 1 :- Probability


Sunday 5 July 2020

what is SQL? let`s get easy full knoweledge and notes.


  • what is SQL?

SQL is stands for structured query language. According to ANSI american national standard institutes) in 1986.It is the standard language for relational database management system .
basically sql stands for sturctured query language is a database management language relational database.
sql  isn`t a programming language ,its a query language.
some common relational database management system  that use sql are : Oracle , sybase ,microsoft sql server etc.
The standard  sql commands such as "select","Insert","Update"," Delete","Create","Drop" can be used to accomplish almost everything that one needs to do with a database.

                               Every table is divided into smaller entities called fields. The fields in the Customers table consist of CustomerID, CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode and Country. A field is a column in a table that is designed to maintain specific information about every record in the table.

A record, also called a row, is each individual entry that exists in a table. For example, there are 91 records in the above Customers table. A record is a horizontal entity in a table.

  • Uses of SQL:-

  1. SQL is used to communicate with a databse.
  2. sql statements are used to performs tasks such as update data on a database.
  3. Retrieve data from a database .
  4. SQL lets you access and manipulate database.
  5. sql can create views in a database.
  6. sql can set permission on tables procedures and users.
  • Data Definition language (DDL):- :- 

The SQL-DDL contains set of commands, which sets up , chnages or removes/delete data sturctures from the database. These data structures can be tables or pther database objects.
  • Data manipulation language(DML):-

The SQL-DML includes those commands , which are based on both the relational algebra and the tuple relational calculus . DML is a language that enales users to access or manipulate data. By data manipulation ,we mean:

  1. The retrieval of information stored in the table .
  2. The insertion of new rows with information into the table.
  3. The modification of information stored into the table.
  • DCL:-   Data control language.
  • TCL:- Trasaction control language.  

Thursday 2 July 2020

what is rdbms ? easy nd full explanation let`s learn it.

   What is RDBMS?

      Rdbms signifies relational database management system.It is used to organise and manipulate the data like –Oracle,DB2,MS SQL server,My SQL etc.

                                            & nbsp;                    Therefore, rdbmses are subset of DBMSes .A relational database refer to a database that keep/store data in a structured format,using rows and columns. By this it easy to find  and retrieve specific values within the database the queries run across multiple tables at once by the rational structure.

What is DBMS?

     DBMS signify database management system.  DBMS provides user's and programmer's a systematic way/organised to make , update & run data.

    What is table?

      Table is collection of related data entries which means that the table should contain column  and rows. Horizontal subset of the table knew as a row and  the vertical subset of the table knew as a column . 
  The rows in  the relation are not ordered.
   "Since relation is a set aren't ordered hence no ordering defined on tuples of relation".

    Meta data:-

             Data that describe the properties or characters of other data some of there  properties consist data.ex:- datatype - integer,chara char,float,double.


     An group of attributes in a table that identifies a tuple uniquely is known as a key.
Types of key are following:-
  • Primary key:-

       Candidate key selected identify tuples/records uniquely.
  •   Alternate key:--

       Candidate key that aren't select to be primary key . It can be any of keys.
  • Foreign key:--

        Attributes or set of attribute within one relation that matches candidate key same relation.
  • Secondary key:-

       Attribute or set of attribute used for compunction key accessing records, but not necessarily unique.
  • Composite key:-

      If we use multiple attributes to create a primary key than that primary key is called composite key.
  •  Candidate key:-

      A minimum set of attributes that uniquely identifies each occurrence of a tuple. Attributes of candidate can`t have null value.
  • Advantage:-

     1. Support for acid trans action. 
     2.  Security
     3.  Data manipulation.
     4.  provides multiple interface.
     5.  Good integrity.
  •    Disadvantages:-

     1  sharing of data is poor.
     2  inconsistent data.
     3  inflexibility.
     4  inforcement of standards are poor.


computer networking.

    INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER NETWORKS     DATA COMMUNICATION  :- when we communicate , we are  sharing  information . The sharing can be loc...