Saturday 11 July 2020

new syllabus of class 11& 12 CBSE of physics,chemistry, maths.

New syllabus of class 12 CBSE 2020-21 (Removed topic) :-

Physics :-

chapter 1:- electrostatic charges and fields

Removed :-  uniformly charge thin spherical shell.

chapter 2 :-  electrostatic potential and capacitance

Removed :- nothing

chapter 3:- current electricity

Removed   :- series and parallel  combination of resistors . carbon resistor and colour code for carbon resistors.

chapter 4;- moving charges and magnetism

Removed  :- cyclotron

chapter  5:- magnetism and matter 

 Removed :- magnetic field  intensity due to a magnetic dipole bar magnet along its axis and perpendicullar  to its axis,torque on a magnmetic dipole bar magnet in a uniform magnetic field.

par ,dia and ferro magnetic substances ,with examples electromagnetics and factors affecting  their strengths , paramagnet magnet .

 chapter 6:- removed

chapter 7:- alternating curent

 Removed :- wattless  current.

chapter  8:- electromagnetic waves

Removed  :-Displacement current .

chapter  9: - Ray optics and optical instrument

 Removed :- reflection of light ,spherical minors mirror formula scattering of light .

 chapter 10:- wave optics

Removed  :- resolving power of microscope  and astonomical telescope,polaristaion,plane polarised,brewster`s law,users of plane polarised light and polaroids

chapter 11:- dual nature of radiation and matter

Removed :-davission and germer experiment

chapter  12:- Removed

chapter 13:-Nuclei

Removed  :- radioactivity ,alpha, beta ,gamma particles rays and their properties  radio active decay , half life and mean life 

binding energy per nucleon and its variation with its mass number .

chapter 14:- Semi condutors electronics

Removed :-zener diode  and their characteristics , zenerdiode as a voltage  regulator----------------------


chapter 1:- solid state

Removed :- electrical and magnetic properties band theory of metals conductors ,semiconductors and n and p type  semi conductors

 chapter 2:- solutions

 Removed :- abonrmal molecular mass ,van`t hoff factor

chapter  3:-  electrochemistry 

Removed :- lead  accumlator , fuel cells ,corrosion , law of electrolysis dry cell electrolytic  cell and galvaniccells.

chapter 4:- chemical kinetics

Removed  :- concept of collosion  theory (elementry idea no mathematical treatment ) activation energy , arhenius equation.

chapter 5:-  surface chemistry

Removed :-   emulsion - types of emulsions , catalysis homogenous and heterogeneous activity and selectivity of solid catalysts enzyme catalysis

 chapter 6:- generel principles and processes of isolation  of elelments

Removed  :- entire 

chapter 7  :- p block block element

 Removed :-preparation and properties of phosphine ,sulphuric acid  industrial process of manufacture oxides of nitrogen  phosphours allotropic forms,compounds of phosphours preparation  and properties of halides and oxo acid  acids

chapter 8:- d blockand fblock element

Removed :-chemical  reactivity of lanthanoids actinoids enlectronic confuguration oxidation state and  comparision with lanthanoids  perparation  and  propertiesof  KMNO4 and K2Cr2O7

chapter 9:-  coordination compound

Removed :- struture and stereoisomersm importance of coordinate compond

 chapter 10:-haloalkanes and haloarenes

Removed  :- uses of enviormental effects of  dichloromethane trichloromethane tetrachloromethane idoforms freons DDT.

chapter 11:- alcohols, phenols and ethers

Removed  :- uses with special reference to methanol andethanol

chapter 12:- aldehydes,ketones and carboxlyic acid

Removed  :- ---

chapter 13:-  amines

Removed  :-  diazonium salt spreparation chemical reaction and importance  in synthetic organic chemistry

chapter 14 :- biomolecules

 Removed :-oligosaccharides importance of carbo hydrate vitamin classifiication and functions enzymes hormones elementray idea excluding structure.

chapter 15, 16 :- polymer and chemistry in every day life

 Removed :- entire


Unit 1: Relations and Functions

Chapter 1:- Relations and Functions

- Composite functions, inverse of a function.

Chapter 2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions

- Graphs of inverse trigonometric  functions

- Elementary properties of inverse trigonometric functions

Unit 2: Algebra

Chapter 1 :- Matrices

-  Existence of non-zero matrices whose product is the zero matrix.

-  Concept of elementary row and column operations.

-  Proof of the uniqueness of inverse, if it exists.

Chapter 2:- Determinants

- Properties of determinants

- Consistency, inconsistency and number of  solutions of system of linear equations by examples

Unit 3: Calculus

Chapter 1 :- Continuity and Differentiability

- Rolle’s and Lagrange's Mean Value Theorems (without proof) and their geometric interpretation.

Chapter 2:-  Applications of Derivatives

- Rate of change of bodies, use of derivatives in approximation

Chapter 3. :- Integrals

- Definite integrals as a limit of a sum

Chapter 4. :-  Applications of the Integrals

- Area between any of the two above said curves

Chapter 5 :- Differential Equations

- Formation of differential equation whose general solution is given.

- Solutions of linear differential equation of the type:

dx/dy + px = q, where p and q are function of y or constant.

Unit-IV: Vectors and Three- Dimensional Geometry

Chapter 1 :- Vectors

scalar triple product of vectors.

Chapter 2 :- Three - dimensional Geometry

Angle between (i) two lines, (ii) two planes, (iii) a line and a plane

Unit-V: Linear Programming

Chapter 1 :-  Linear Programming

- mathematical formulation of L.P. problems

- (unbounded)

Unit-VI: Probability

Chapter 1 :- Probability


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